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About Us

Our Purpose

Comprised of about 50 retirees from all walks of life, the Missoula Senior Forum gathers weekly at the Missoula Country Club to enjoy fellowship and a wide variety of fascinating presentations. 


From World War One Women to Watson’s Children’s Shelter, Ranches to Restoration and Peace Corp to Physical Therapy, the topics presented are original, interesting and informative. 


The Senior Forum is a great place for retirees to meet retirees and to stay up to date on what’s going on in and around Missoula.  


It all began in the summer of 1984, as an informal group of retirees meeting for mid-morning coffee and rolls.


A few years later the group, numbering about 25 members, was granted a charter as the “Golden K Kiwanis” club. 


The Golden K’s largest project was a partnership with the University of Montana allowing senior citizens to attend college classes at little or no cost. The “Golden College” provided “intellectual challenges for lively senior citizens.”


In 1993, with a membership of about 40, the group voted to terminate its Kiwanis charter and return to its roots as an informal group, calling itself the “Missoula Senior Forum.”


Over the years the group held its breakfast meetings successively at Cattlin’s, Apple Tree, Sizzler, Frontier Pies, Country Harvest, Golden Corral, Montana Club and currently, the Missoula Country Club. 


The Missoula Senior Forum takes no position on political, social or religious issues, nor does it endorse any candidate for political office or sponsor fund-raising activities of a political, charitable or religious nature.

If you are interested in becoming a member or being a speaker at the Missoula Senior Forum, please contact


Meetings shall be held weekly, followed by a program under the direction of the Program Chair or designee. All Forum members are strongly encouraged to identify and secure potential speakers. Suggested speakers and their contact information are to be communicated to the Program Chair or designee to ensure correct scheduling and presentation logistics such as presentation format and required technical equipment and setup. 


The time and date of the meetings may be changed by a majority vote of Forum members. A quorum at any meeting shall consist of 50% of the paid-up Forum members.


All members should ensure that the Forum remains a strong and viable organization by helping to continuously recruit new members. Any Forum member may invite and propose a person for membership. Prospective new members must complete an application form and attend 3-4 meetings giving existing members a chance to get to know them prior to a vote of acceptance. Thereafter, proposed members may be confirmed by a majority vote of approval by Forum members.


The annual dues for each member shall be $20 per year, payable at the beginning of each calendar year. New members’ annual dues for the current calendar will be payable immediately following a vote of acceptance to the Forum.

Officers of the Forum & Duties

The officers of the Missoula Senior Forum shall consist of a President and a Treasurer, each of whom shall serve for one calendar year. All officers may be reelected. All officers shall also serve as members of the Board.


The President shall preside at all meetings and be responsible for administering the affairs of the Senior Forum. When the President is unable to attend a meeting, members of the Board will be notified in advance accordingly. 

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of dues, disbursement of expenses, and insuring an effective accounting system for recording and reporting the financial activities of the Forum. He/She shall also be responsible for maintaining all records and correspondence required by the Forum. All non-routine Forum expenditures shall require Board approval. A financial report covering the elapsed calendar year shall be made by the Treasurer at the beginning of the following year but no later than January 31st. 

Nomination of Officers

The President and Treasurer shall serve for one calendar year. Thereafter, their terms will be automatically renewed for an additional year unless


  1. An officer resigns

  2. One or more Forum members notify the Board of their desire and willingness to serve in an officer’s capacity at the expiration of said officer’s term, typically December 31st.  


In either case, the President shall appoint an ad-hoc nominating committee consisting of 3-5 volunteers from the Forum membership excluding the officer candidates.  


Those officers nominated by the committee shall be promptly presented to the membership at one of its regular meetings. Additional officer candidates may be nominated from the floor at any time.


Candidates nominated by the nominating committee or proposed from the floor, as in the above paragraph, shall be elected by a simple majority vote of those present and voting. In order for these elections to be valid, a quorum must be present.

The Board and Board Member Duties

The Board shall consist of any and all Forum members who volunteer and are willing to serve in that capacity. At a minimum, the Board shall consist of the President, Program Chair, Treasurer, and Webmaster and will meet quarterly or as otherwise needed. In order to provide for continuity on the Board, additional Forum member volunteers are encouraged to serve on the Board and participate in the Forum’s leadership/steering group. 


It shall be the purpose of the Board to assist the officers in carrying out the functions of the Forum.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Senior Forum shall run from January 1 to December 31.

Modification of Guidelines

Proposed amendments or changes in these guidelines by the Board must be submitted to the members at a regular meeting of the Forum at least one week prior to voting on the proposal.  Amendments or changes made must then be approved by a majority of those attending and voting when a quorum is present.

Are You a Retired, Missoula-area Person Interested in Joining?

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© 2021 Missoula Senior Forum

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